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Grafana 6.5.1 Released

by Alan Milligan last modified Dec 03, 2019 02:18 AM
Our Grafana monitoring ecosystem.
Grafana 6.5.1 Released

We've now released the latest open source Grafana dashboard server.

This major new release has a lot of changes and improvements to the Explorer, and importantly for us, the AWS/Cloudwatch data source - which is a substantial rewrite under the hood.

We're also shipping Loki, the new log aggregator tool and it's agent Promtail. These are much more lightweight to set up and manage than our more hard-core Graylog with it's ElasticSearch and MongoDB back end storage and search engines.

All of our node metrics are shipped into Prometheus via the Node Exporter agent and simply integrated into the Grafana dashboard with the native Prometheus data source. We have a bunch of other application-specific exporters here.

We'd love to talk to you about your requirements and how we can help. Follow the link here.