ChefDK 0.6.0 Released
We've released our version of ChefDK 0.6.0 for RPM-based Linux - for both RHEL6 and RHEL7.
ChefDK is mostly a super-package with dependencies upon the same rich Chef ecosystem we've been shipping forever. This includes Foodcritic, Test Kitched, Berkshelf, Chef Provisioningand Robocop. But we also have a strong focus on KVM and Docker virtualisation and bare-metal provisioning around Crowbar. Thus we ship packages such as Test Kitchen/Docker, Vagrant/Docker Compose, Chef Provisioning/Crowbar and much more...
The absolute differentiator between our shipped product and the RPM's packaged by Chef Inc. are that we ship against the native Ruby and Gems packaged by Red Hat. Everything is deployed in standard file paths and uses the system ruby to run. You enjoy full support for these features through your standard vendor subscription/license.