BastionLinux/Openstack/CI/CD on AWS/Marketplace
We've released the full stack of Openstack/Infrastructure software development tools: Gerrit (Git source code control and review); Zuul (gating, branch testing), Jenkins (CI/CD), and Nodepool (large scale deployment/management of Jenkins slaves) in one place. The AWS/Marketplace listing is here
Jenkins is the leading open source continuous integration (and delivery) platform. Our Jenkins comes with over 80 installed plugins - including the complete suite needed to support all of the features of Jenkins Job Builder (which is also included). Jenkins Job builder takes templatised YAML and generates (posts) jobs and views onto your Jenkins server.
Gerrit is a full Git server and a source-code review system. It was developed by Google and is used within the Android project. The git-review workflow process is the prescribed OpenStack way that developers develop and push code against Git branches.
Zuul is a gatekeeper to automagically test your Git branches to ensure you're not merging broken code. Zuul can manage, merge, promote your Git branches. It can also gate across Git projects.
NodePool scales and manages clusters of Jenkins slaves. Nodepool has an EC2 driver and it is quite simple to configure pools of EC2 instances as your Jenkins cluster.
Please do reach out to discuss our long term support for this offering and any additional requirements you may have.