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Open Source Business Intelligence
Jaspersoft Business Intelligence
A workshop demonstrating popular open source tools and libraries for managing cloud deployments
FOSS SIG explaining bitcoin technologies
Alan Milligan is going to present the latest version of the Chef configuration management suite from Opscode
Open Source Geospatial data and web presentation
Come see PMOboss at the Project Management SIG of the NSW ACS.
Site Events
Presenting and demo'ing Chef for AWS User Group
Why do existing databases still use the same process architecture designed in the 80s? While chip technology evolved with Moore's Law, databases have become the bottleneck for so many solutions such as business intelligence and data warehousing. With Vectorwise, all that will change.
SUSE Studio, the background and future direction and how SUSE Studio is being utilised by ISVs and end users to create their customised Linux environments to suit their specific purposes.
MySQL - The Database Platform for the Web Economy - Martin Wisniewski, Director, Business Relations, Pythian
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for Servers is an end-to-end virtualization solution that is designed to enable pervasive datacenter virtualization, and significantly enhance capital and operational efficiency.
An expansive overview of Zenoss, the leading open source network monitoring and management system.