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SugarCRM - Loaded Technologies

by Alan Milligan last modified Jun 02, 2012 10:12 PM
When Jun 11, 2012
from 10:15 PM to 11:30 PM
Where ACS - Level 11, 50 Carrington Street
Contact Name
Contact Phone 0415154330
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CRM as a strategy - What does it really mean to put the customers first and make CRM your strategy?


The CRM adoption curve - As organisations adopt CRM strategies they go through a series of reasonably predictable stages. Anticipating and managing this evolution will improve the experience for your staff and customers.


What makes CRM implementations great and why – A walk through of a typical CRM implementation using SugarCRM





Mark Tallis has fifteen year background in disruptive technologies, systems integrators and digital media. Excellent experience in general management, and start-up of new businesses. International experience in the USA.

Mark has a proven track record of managing and developing software implementations, with domain knowledge across a number of technology areas including CRM, SaaS, open source, web development, and managing IT infrastructure. Substantial P&L and resource management responsibilities.

Most recently he built and managed a software development company called Loaded Technologies, from a small fledgling operation of 5 people to a 24 person operation with $2.5M turnover. Loaded Technologies provides a range of professional services focusing on CRM and web implementations.



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